SARA Product Terms & Conditions

SARA Teaching and Copyright Rules:

SARA members current on their dues (Practitioner or Teacher level) have permission to teach the courses in the appropriate membership level in-person only. No person has permission to teach any SARA educational material online or via teleclass or in any other electronic format without prior written permission.

SARA Donation Rules:

All SARA courses must have a percentage donated to a local animal charity or to SARA. No SARA educational courses shall be given for profit only, without charitable contribution of some kind.

Animal Reiki Source Manuals Usage Rules:

SARA Teachers have permission to use Kathleen Prasad’s manuals to teach Level 1 and 2 classes under the following conditions only:

  1. Classes must be taught in-person only. Kathleen does not give permission to use these manuals to certify anyone in Reiki via distance or electronic learning.
  2. Additional manuals must be purchased via in hard copy form. Pages inside these manuals may not be copied or given out/transmitted in any electronic format without prior written permission from Kathleen Prasad.
  3. SARA Teachers may not order manuals to give out to anyone who has not studied the complete course in-person. These manuals are not public, and are only meant to be used by students trained directly in this lineage.
  4. All teachers must endeavor to follow the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics and to guide their students to do so as well.
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