Excerpt from Reiki and Pet Relaxation – A Hands-On Approach
Reiki is a Japanese spiritual technique for mess reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It originated during the early part of tbe 20th century by founder Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk. Reiki is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through all of us including animals. If that life force is compromised and lowered it can ca.use stress or illness, and if it is high, we arc more likely to be happy and heruthy.
Former business executive and opera singer, Margarcc Ann Case, BA, Reiki Master, RPP has been a recognized leader and innovator in the reaching of Reiki and spiritual healing, as well as an esteemed healing practitioner for the past 14 years. When Animal Fair asked about a typical Reiki healing session with an animal Case shared, “ln a session with a domesticated a.nimal, especially cats and dogs, I rake time at the beginning for the approach co the animal. l sit at the same level as che animal buc aot too close. I also begin speaking to chem mentally to let chem know why I’m there. This gives the animal some space and time to get to know me a bit. Once that bas taken place, thea l often scan by couching the chest and back, or some other place if the an.imal itself indicates where it wants to be touched. Oace they get more comfortablc with my couch and the flow of che Reiki energy transmission coming into their body, mm is established and rhe animal usual· ly relaxes into the session. From that point the animal itself is che bcsr guide for me of where I should place my hands. Sensitivity to the guidance from the animal is very important. With larger domesticated animals, or with wild animals, I might nor couch, but transmit the Reiki energy using che symbols, distance rransmission, and animal communication techniques.”
The Reiki practitioner uses cheir hands ro rransmit the healing force co treat the whole person or animal including body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating many positive effects that include feelings of peace, security and well-being.
As a seasoned Reiki practitioner, Case further explains an animal’s healing experience, “The more experienced a praccicioner is, the more likely they arc able co sense what’s going on with the aaimal. Also, if they have: developed intuitive skills and trained i.n animal communication techniques, they receive direct responses from the animal itself. However, it is important co realize chat Reiki is spiritual healing, which means chat the healing is guided by spirit and not by the practitioner. ….