When we are peaceful, we can let go of the need to control.
As my county in Pennsylvania began to relax the Shelter In Place orders from COVID-19, we moved into the yellow phase. However, pet groomers are still not allowed to open. It has been several months since I was able to get my two cats groomed. One is part Persian and one is part Angora. I do the best that I can with brushing but they are both timid and anxious rescues. I am not embarrassed to say that my skills are lacking and I appreciate my groomers even more. My attempts to care for my cats have left me with cuts from their claws and teeth as they let me know when they have had enough of my tugging on them with a brush. As expected, my one cat Lulu developed a large mat on her back. This added to my stress over caring for them knowing that it would still be many weeks or months before I can have a grooming appointment. I decided to try reiki.
On a cool Sunday morning, I invited my Lulu to join me on the deck in meditation. I focused on breath and imagined soft pink light from Source gently fill my body. I let go of stress and made room for peace and love instead. Because she came to sit near me for physical contact, I gently placed my hand on Lulu’s back and imagined the light radiating out of my heart space and wrapping her in light. I felt joy knowing that in this moment, all was well.
Slowly, I started brushing her with no expectations or worry that she would lash out. I kept my focus on breath, on the pink light, and on the peaceful space I created with intention. Lulu closed her eyes and rolled over into a relaxed state. She let me gently and quietly work on her grooming. I was finally able to remove that big mat that had me worried for days.
Looking back on my past attempts compared to my successful task today, I realized that I was always filled with anxiety and struggling to hurry and control her to get the job done. Today, I stayed in calmness and focused on my inner emotions instead of her reactions. I no longer controlled. I allowed. When we allow, peace has room to enter. I can say that both Lulu and I appreciated the Reiki.
By SARA Teacher Kim Harrington
Wonderful! Thanks for sharing this beautiful example of letting go. . . 🙂
What a beautiful story! How true it is that all goes well when we let the animals lead.