I guess we never know what is the best thing we may do in the precise moment of our life. But the Universe does. And if we just accept the things that don’t unfold the way we wish they did and remain grateful and trustful, just letting the Universe act – wonderful things may happen.
I was to hold my first SARA’ s Animal Reiki level 1 course today. I had 4 students, we
were to study and practice in a wonderful place. Few days ago two of them got a winter flu and are in bed. As they are all friends, the other two said they would wait for them until they get better.
No course. Disappointed? A little bit, sure.. I meditated these days with the intent that since the course is postponed, something more beautiful must happen that day. Just Joshin Kokyu Ho, until I solved and there were no thoughts, no intents, no Joanna. There was nothing and everything.
Two days ago I was interviewed by a journalist of our local newspaper about Animal Reiki. He said it would be printed in about a week as they were full. Ok.
And instead – the article appeared right today!
Why it’s better I stayed at home? As I have been receiving so many questions about Animal Reiki via Facebook and Messenger since this morning that all I do today is answer, write and invite.
I even got contacted by the Animalist Movement and they want me to have some presentations, first here, in my city, and then in other Italian cities..
Things always happen for some reason – even if we don’t understand them at the beginning.
And all I may say to the Universe is just: Thank you!
If only the journalist didn’t call me a Reiki Guru.. anyway, that’s the risk when you talk to them, right?
Joanna Amicucci
SARA Teacher
Thanks so much for sharing this story! As I was reading it the sun made its way through the clouds for the first time today – two cheerful, hopeful moments at once!
hi Beth, I just saw your comment.. I am so happy it helped you! With much love and gratitude. Joanna